RefundQuoteConfirm request message

Tabular overview of all nodes, which may occur in this message. See legend below for description of table columns.
Note: Some sibling elements or complete sub-trees of the hierarchy may be defined as mutually exclusive alternative choices. This information cannot be expressed in this tabular overview. Please refer to schema diagram for a graphical representation of the message schema.

Refund quote confirmation request.1
Version number. 0..1 1.0
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Quote ID returned by RefundQuoteRS.1
Form(s) of Payment to which refundable amount(s) should be accounted,0..N
ElementNumber as returned in PNRViewRS.

0..1 1
Credit card code.
The following list of normalized credit card codes is currently supported by XX/1.
AX .. American Express
AXB .. American Express BTA
AXI .. American Express IBTA
CA .. MasterCard
CAD .. MasterCard Debit
CB .. Carte Blanche
DC .. Diners Club
DS .. Discover
JC .. Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)
MA .. Maestro
TP .. Air Plus
VI .. Visa Credit
VID .. Visa Debit
VIL .. Visa Delta
VIE .. Visa Electron

1 VI
Credit card code.
The following list of normalized credit card codes is currently supported by XX/1.
AX .. American Express
AXB .. American Express BTA
AXI .. American Express IBTA
CA .. MasterCard
CAD .. MasterCard Debit
CB .. Carte Blanche
DC .. Diners Club
DS .. Discover
JC .. Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)
MA .. Maestro
TP .. Air Plus
VI .. Visa Credit
VID .. Visa Debit
VIL .. Visa Delta
VIE .. Visa Electron

1 VI
Credit card number. 1 4011236654652341 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Credit card number. 1 4011236654652341 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Credit card expiration group1
Credit card expiration month. 1 02 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XX
Last two digits of the credit card expiration year. 1 06 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XX
Credit card expiration group1
Credit card expiration month. 1 02 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XX
Last two digits of the credit card expiration year. 1 06 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XX
Credit card security number for online transactions (referred to also as CVV2, CVC2, CSC or CID). This is a 3-digit (Visa, Master, Discover) or 4-digit (Amex) number.

0..1 493
Credit card security number for online transactions (referred to also as CVV2, CVC2, CSC or CID). This is a 3-digit (Visa, Master, Discover) or 4-digit (Amex) number.

0..1 493
Credit card authorization group0..1
Credit card authorization type. Values are:
A = authorize card only
S = authorize card and store approval code in the PNR
D = verify the address associated with this credit card and store the verification status in PNR.
If no address associated - error message will be returned.
[A] [S] [D] 1 A
Penalty amount in currency amount or percentage. 1 7500
Penalty amount unit. Possible values are:
M = currency money value
P = percentage
[M] [P] 1 M
Minimum or maximum penalty indicator.
Airline code. 1 AA
Credit card holder's first name. 0..1 JOHN
Credit card holder's first name. 0..1 JOHN
Credit card holder's last name. This is only required for Sabre. 1 SMITH
Credit card holder's last name. This is only required for Sabre. 1 SMITH
Reference to a traveler in PNR as cardholder.1
Reference to a traveler in PNR as cardholder.1
Credit card approval code. 0..1 996456
Credit card approval code. 0..1 996456
Direct Debit payment1
SEPA debit withdrawal1
Specifies SEPA Direct Debit transaction type.
Values are:
B2B = SEPA Direct Debit B2B
COR = SEPA Direct Debit CORE/COR1
[B2B] [COR] 0..1 B2B
IBAN number of the account from which the amount is to be withdrawn.1
Name of the account holder.0..1
Other payment information. 1 CHECK, CASH


NodeName of message node (element or attribute). Nodes in bold type are mandatory, if their parent element occurs in the message. Point mouse cursor at table cell to view complete XPath.
DescriptionDescription of meaning and usage of the node.
ValuesList of predefined values (each in square brackets) or range of values ("[a] to [z]") allowed for the node, if formally defined in the schema.
OccursMinimum and maximum number of times the node must/may occur, if its parent element occurs in the message. Examples:
0..3 Node is optional and may occur up to 3 times.
1..N Node must occur at least one (mandatory) and may occur any number of times.
2 Node must occur exactly twice.
ExampleExample value for the node.

XML Schema documentation generated with XX/1 server