ItineraryPrice request message

Tabular overview of all nodes, which may occur in this message. See legend below for description of table columns.
Note: Some sibling elements or complete sub-trees of the hierarchy may be defined as mutually exclusive alternative choices. This information cannot be expressed in this tabular overview. Please refer to schema diagram for a graphical representation of the message schema.

ItineraryPriceRQ allows to:
- price air segments of an existing PNR
- return alternative itineraries and fares for air segments of an existing PNR (see PricingInfo/@BestPricing "A")
- return alternative itineraries and fares for an existing ticket which qualify for an automated exchange and optionally price a specific alternative itinerary (including price difference to existing ticket) (see InExchangeForTicket; Sabre only)
Version number. 0..1 1.0
Number of alternate fares requested. Supported in Worldspan, Sabre and Amadeus (MasterPricer).
Maximum/Default values are:
Amadeus: 200
Sabre: 19 (ATSE), 9 (Legacy system)
Worldspan: 100 (more based on tier level)
Display Fare Family Information. Values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
[Y] [N] 0..1
Sale information group0..1
Origin or destination city code. City where sale takes place or city where ticket will be issued. 0..1 PAR
Country where sale takes place or ticket issuing country. 0..1 US
Currency code.

0..1 EUR
Ticketing information group0..1
Origin or destination city code. City where sale takes place or city where ticket will be issued. 0..1 PAR
Country where sale takes place or ticket issuing country. 0..1 US
Specifies departure date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). 0..1 2001-12-25
PNR record locator. If provided here PNR will be retrieved by this value as the first step in the internal process.0..1
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Add InExchangeFor element to request alternative itineraries and fares for an existing air ticket or PNR (for ticketless providers) which qualify for an automated exchange. May not be used in sessioned mode, that is the RecordLocator must be specified.0..1
The ticket number(s) of the air ticket(s) to be exchanged. If multiple ticket numbers are specified, each tickets must have been issued for the exact same set of flight segments and for a different traveler.

Can be left out for ticketless providers where the exchange is based on the PNR itself rather than ticket documents.

0..N 2584977730132
The TravelerElementNumber of the Traveler in the referenced PNR for whom this ticket was issued.

1 01.02
Each OriginDestination element specifies an origin/destination (a.k.a. leg) of the future itinerary resulting from the exchange. If the flight segments for some ODs of the existing ticket should be preserved in the alternative itineraries, OriginDestination elements must be specified for these ODs and the @Preserve attribute must be set for them.1..N
The Preserve attribute can be used to specify that certain parts of the existing itinerary should be preserved for this OriginDestination for all alternative itineraries returned.

- Flights: Preserve existing flight segments for this OD. Specify derparture date and airport of first existing segment for this OD as Departure/CityCode and Date. Specify arrival airport of last existing segment for this OD as Arrival/CityCode. Leave out all other search parameters for this OD.

- FlightsAndFares: Same as "Flights", but additionally preserve fare basis codes of the segments.

- Connections: Search for new flight segments for this OD which start at same origin and end at same destination airport and connect at the same airports as the existing segments for this OD.
Specify derparture airport of first existing segment for this OD as Departure/CityCode. Specify arrival airport of last existing segment for this OD as Arrival/CityCode.

If Preserve attribute is omitted, alternative itineraries returned will have flights segments matching the search criteria specified for this OD.
[Connections] [Flights] [FlightsAndFares] 0..1
Origin group1
Supported in
Amadeus MasterPricer:
Sabre Low Fare Search (TripSearch / Bargain Finder Plus)
The user has the ability to extend the low fare search up to 300 kilometers surrounding the departure airport or city specified. If a departure Area is specified, the low fare search process may consider any city whose flying distance to the specified City or Airport is lower than the specified radius in the query.
0..1 100
Only applicable in combination with @Area. If set to 'Y', also airports which are situated in a different country but within the specified radius will be considered.

Only supported in Amadeus TravelBoardSearch (0.9 and 2.0) and MasterPricerExpert(0.9 and 2.0)

Values are:
Y .. Yes
N .. No (default)
[Y] [N] 0..1
Origin city code.

1..9 PAR
Destination group1
Supported only in Amadeus MasterPricer:
The user has the ability to extend the low fare search up to 300 kilometers surrounding the arrival airport or city specified. If an arrival Area is specified, the low fare search process may consider any city whose flying distance to the specified City or Airport is lower than the specified radius in the query.
0..1 100
Only applicable in combination with @Area. If set to 'Y', also airports which are situated in a different country but within the specified radius will be considered.

Only supported in Amadeus TravelBoardSearch (0.9 and 2.0) and MasterPricerExpert(0.9 and 2.0).

Values are:
Y .. Yes
N .. No (default)
[Y] [N] 0..1
Destination city code.

1..9 FRA
Specifies departure OR arrival date (depending on @Qualifier) in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd).

1 2001-12-25
The Qualifier controls whether the search is performed for flights departing or arriving on the specified Date. At the same time it controls whether an optionally specified Time and TimeWindow (see Preferences) is applied to the departure time or the arrival time (unless overridden by Time/@Type).

DEPARTURE (default if left out)

Preferences group0..1
Specified how the response should be sorted.

Values are:
DEPARTURE = by departure time
ARRIVAL = by arrival time
ELAPSED = by elapsed time
NEUTRAL = (default) as defined by the provider.

In case a city code refers to a multi-airport city and one of the cities airports at the same time, the search will include all airports belonging to the city when set to "Y".

Values are: Y = Yes, N = No.
[Y] [N] 0..1 N
Possibility to define the minimum number of hours between arrival at the preceding destination and the departure from this origin.

If not specified, default is 0.

0..1 6
Specifies cabin preference. Valid values are:
P = Premium First class
F = First class
J = Premium Business class
C = Business class
W = Premium Economy class
Y = Coach class

0..N Y
If @Specific is set to "Y", will only return results where all segments lie within the requested cabin. That is, if requested cabin is not available for any one segment required for an OriginDestination, the fare will not be returned.
If set to "Y", @Specific must be set to "Y" for all OriginDestination elements with Preferences/Cabin. Otherwise the Cabin will be ignored completely for OriginDestination elements, where @Specific is not set to "Y".

Not supported on: Worldspan

Y = Yes
N = No

Default: N

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
The Time element is used to restrict search to flights with a specific departure or arrival time. It may be extended to a time window using the TimeWindow element. If TimeWindow is left out the behaviour is CRS dependent: Some will apply a default time window while others may only return flights for the exact time specified.

Whether Time is applied to the departure or arrival time is controlled by the @Type attribute. If @Type is left out, the Time applies to the same entity as the (first) OriginDestination/Date element.

1 14:15
Time window group0..1
Number of hours before specified Time. Value from 1 to 12.

[1] to [12]0..1 6
Number of hours after specified Time. Value from 1 to 12.

[1] to [12]0..1 12
Specifies the total number of hours the journey is not to exceed. Value from 1 to 99. [1] to [99]0..1 26
If DayWindow is specified, response may contain fares for flights which depart (or arrive - see Date) up to the specified number of days before and/or after the Date specified.

Not all CRS support search by arrival AND departure daywindow.
attribute indicates type of day window, possible values are DEPARTURE and ARRIVAL; default value is DEPARTURE0..1
Number of days before specified Date to include in search.
Values: [0..x] x depends on backend system limitations.

[0] to []1 3
Number of days after specified Date to include in search.
Values: [0..x] x depends on backend system limitations.

[0] to []1 3
Airline preference group0..1
Specific request for itineraries where every leg is on the specified carrier. [Y] 0..1 Y
Airline code for carriers to be included in the search or city code of the airport to be included in the connection. 0..N AF or MIA
Specifies type of airline preference. Values are:
M = Marketing Carrier (default)
O = Operating Carrier
[O] [M] 0..1
Airline code for carriers to be excluded in the search, or city code of the airport to be excluded in the connection. 0..N DL or LON
Connection preference group0..1
Airline code for carriers to be included in the search or city code of the airport to be included in the connection. 1..N AF or MIA
Airline code for carriers to be excluded in the search, or city code of the airport to be excluded in the connection. 1..N DL or LON
Search by alliance code. Values are: *O = One World
*A = Star Alliance
*S = Sky Team.

NOTE: Not supported by Amadeus.

0..1 *S
Specifies the flight type preferences. If absent, get all flights.
Values set to 'M' (maximum) do apply to number of stops and connections only and do include all more restrictive levels, for example:
OneConnectMultipleAirlne='M' includes NoStopDirect, StopDirect and OneConnectSingleAirline
but it does not include TwoConnectSingleAirline and ThreeConnectSingleAirline
Non-stop direct flights. Values are:
Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Stop direct flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Single online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Double online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Triple online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Single interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Double interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Triple interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Allows to tailor the search and pricing parameters. If omitted defaults are used where applicable. For instance default pricing is based on the classes of service as booked, all passengers in PNR and all air segments.0..1
Restricts the type of fare being requested. If omited system defaults will be used as defined on the respective GDS. Values are:
PUBL = published fare
NEGO = negotiated/private fare
BOTH = published and negotiated fares

This flag controls the behavior of the pricing logic.
Possible values are:

N = price with classes of service as currently booked

Y = get the best fare available in the same cabin class

C = get the best fare available across all cabin classes (not supported on Sabre and Worldspan)

A = return fares based on alternative itineraties for air segments of the current PNR

Default = N

[A] [N] [C] [Y] 0..1 Y
For systems which support alternative fare / ticketing flows for low cost carriers (such as LightTicketing on Amadeus), specifies whether alternative flows shall be suppressed.

Values are:
Y = Yes,
N = No.
[Y] [N] 0..1 Y Default: N
Used to request a list of alternate fares which can have different classes of services and prices because of different restrictions, e.g. refundable or changeable fares which are only a bit more expensive but more flexible. Or fares in business class with more comfort which are cheaper or only a bit more expensive.

Possible values are:
- Y: return alternate fares
- N: return requested fare only (default)

Can not used in connection with @BestPricing = "C" or InExchangeFor.
[Y] [N] 0..1
If is set to "Y", will only return results where the given Passenger Type is applied. No fallback to default passenger types is allowed.

Supported on: Amadeus

Y = Yes
N = No

Default: N

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Reference to one or more travelers of the PNR to be included in the pricing.

If no TravelerIDRef is specified, the pricing will apply to all travelers of the PNR.

0..N 3
The passenger type code to be applied for pricing for the traveler referenced by TravelerIDRef (See IATA PTC's).
PassengerTypeCode is only required when there is a need to override the type code stored for the traveler in the PNR or resulting from agency/system defaults. This may be the case for instance
- when booking a contract fare requiring a special type code (e.g. JCB)
- when booking a GOV fare for a traveler defined as ADT

0..1 JCB
Reference to one or more air segments of the PNR to be included in the pricing.

If no SegmentIDRef is specified, the pricing will apply to all air segments of the PNR.

0..N 2
Pricing restrictions group0..1
This attribute also excludes restrictions which are not covered by the other attributes.

Y = Excludes all fares with any kind of restriction (other attributes have no effect)
N = Don't exclude all fares with any kind of restriction (other attributes can be used to allow further restrictions)

Default: N
[Y] [N] 0..1
Allow fares with minimum stay requirement. Values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1 N
Allow fares with maximum stay requirement. Values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1 N
Allow fares with advance requirement. Values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1 N
Allow fares with penalty restrictions. Values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1 N
Y = Return refundable fares only
N = Return non-refundable fares only

Default: If not specified, returned fares may or may not be refundable depending on the other Restrictions settings.

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Y = Return changeable fares only
N = Return non-changeable fares only

Default: If not specified, returned fares may or may not be changeable depending on the other Restrictions settings.

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Pseudo city under which private fares are stored. 1 18C6
Code of the provider system that holds the private fares. Values are:
1A = Amadeus
1B = Abacus
1V = Apollo
1G = Galileo
1S = Sabre (also 1W)
1P = Worldspan
F1 = Farelogix
1U = ITA
ACH = Travelport Airline Content Hub (uAPI)

[1A] [1B] [1V] [1G] [1S] [1P] [1W] [F1] [1U] [XS] [ACH] 1 1V
Future use.
Identifies if Office value is a PCC or IATA agency code/ID. Default is PCC.
[PCC] [IATA] 0..1 PCC
Corporate information group0..N
Airline code. 0..1 AA
Specifies the corporate account number to use to price private fares. 0..1 000243
Requests Account Code fares. Values are:
Y = Request Account Code only
N = Request Account Code and Published Fares
[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Specifies the contract code, to use to price private fares. 0..1 00001
Price to beat group0..1
Amount price to beat. 1 30000
Allows to specify whether only fares which include free checked bags are requested.0..1
Minimum number of bags included. Values
1 (Default if left out)
If a value >1 is specified for a CRS which only supports value 1, 1 will automatically be used instead of the value specified.

[1] to [3]0..1 1
Code of the price class.

0..1 3
Marketing name of the price class.

0..1 TANGO
ID reference used to associate this item to a segment. No comma separated lists and no ranges supported. 0..N F1
Unique association ID reference of the traveler associated to this item. No comma separated lists and no ranges allowed. 0..N T1


NodeName of message node (element or attribute). Nodes in bold type are mandatory, if their parent element occurs in the message. Point mouse cursor at table cell to view complete XPath.
DescriptionDescription of meaning and usage of the node.
ValuesList of predefined values (each in square brackets) or range of values ("[a] to [z]") allowed for the node, if formally defined in the schema.
OccursMinimum and maximum number of times the node must/may occur, if its parent element occurs in the message. Examples:
0..3 Node is optional and may occur up to 3 times.
1..N Node must occur at least one (mandatory) and may occur any number of times.
2 Node must occur exactly twice.
ExampleExample value for the node.

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