HotelMultiAvailability request message

Tabular overview of all nodes, which may occur in this message. See legend below for description of table columns.
Note: Some sibling elements or complete sub-trees of the hierarchy may be defined as mutually exclusive alternative choices. This information cannot be expressed in this tabular overview. Please refer to schema diagram for a graphical representation of the message schema.

Hotel multi availability request root element1
ISO language code. A two letter code as defined by ISO-639-1. This code specifies the requested language for text content. Default value is 'en'.0..1
Timeout value in seconds. All results, received from backend within that time period will be returned.0..1
Defines the type of CRS link(s), which shall be used to retrieve the data.
SourceOnly .. data from source
CacheOrSource .. data from cache or source
CacheOnly .. data from cache
[SourceOnly] [CacheOrSource] [CacheOnly] 0..1 CacheOrSource
Selects whether only inventory with available rooms for requested parameters should show up (default is 'Y').[Y] [N] 0..1
Selects whether only hotels with refundable room rates and rooms with refundable rates itself should show up (default is 'N').[Y] [N] 0..1
Only supported for CRC in the case of given GeoCode element (because the availability request includes search functionality).

Maximum number of hotels requested. The service will collect options until this number is reached or the provider returns no more options (whatever happens first). The resulting set of options will be returned to the client.
CAUTION: Depending on the value this can be a time consuming transaction!

Values are:
Either a positive integer value identifying the number of requested options or 'ALL' to retrieve all of them.

If this attribute is not specified, then the number of results returned is the number of results returned by the CRS for a single request (no subsequent "move-downs")
Only supported for CRC (because its availability request includes search functionality).

Result order preference.
This controls, how results are ordered by GDS/CRS, before the number of results is filtered, which is specified by NumberOfHotels.

There are two patterns for this string.

The simpler pattern is a string consisting of letters "cCdDpP" (see below).
The lower case letters stand for ascending order, the upper case letters for descending order.
More than one sort criterion can be given (i.e. 'cp').
'c' .. contracted hotels first
'C' .. uncontracted hotels first
'd' .. shorter distance first
'D' .. longer distance first
'p' .. lower price first
'P' .. higher price first
I.e. "cp" means: first all contacted hotels sorted by price, then all uncontracted sorted by price.

The other pattern corresponds to the CRC-specific limit feature and has an 'L' at the beginning.
Here a step by step explanation for the example string "Ld2cp;10cp;cp":
"d" .. for each of the following groups a restriction for results to have less distance than certain numeric value is applied
"2" .. the first group contains hotels with a distance less than 2 km
"cp;" .. sort order for elements of the first group
"10" .. the second group with hotels with a distance less than 10 km;
"cp;" .. sort order for elements of the second group
"cp" .. sort order for elements of the third group of remaining items
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Sale information group0..1
Currency code. 0..1 USD
Decimal position in fare amount. 1 2
Hotel chain code.
0..1 HH
Property code.
1 002343
City code.
0..1 MIA For Ocean CityCode is mandatory.
Geographical position information.
Allows search by geographical longitude and latitude and to define a search radius around the specified geo location.
Radius around the specified location, within which results should be included.
0..1 2
Unit of distance in which Radius is specified.
M = Miles
K = Kilometers

Defaults to kilometers, if left out.

[M] [K] 0..1 M
Degree of longitude. Values range from -180 to +180 using decimal fractions.
Positive values refer to longitudes east, negative values to longitudes west of the zero (Greenwich) meridian.

[-180] to [180]1 -123.87611
Degree of latitude. Values range from -90 to +90 using decimal fractions.
Positive values refer to latitudes north, negative values to latitudes south of the equator.

[-90] to [90]1 -49.98569
City or airport code.

Radius around the specified location, within which results should be included.
0..1 2
Unit of distance in which Radius is specified.
M = Miles
K = Kilometers

Defaults to kilometers, if left out.

[M] [K] 0..1 K
Address element should contain at least one attribute.1
Property name. 0..1 The Sheraton at the Park
Free form text postal address line.
0..1 420 LINCOLN RD
City name.

When specifying CityName, CountryCode must be provided too.

0..1 Miami
Zip code. 0..1 33176
US State code.
0..1 FL
ISO 2-letter country code.
0..1 US
Check in date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). 1 2001-12-25
Check out date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). 1 2001-12-25
Number of persons per room incl. children.
If /HotelMultiAvailabilityRQ/HotelOptions/NumberOfRooms is greater than 1 then different allocations per room can be defined here if the backend system supports it. Therefore use RoomRefID attribute to specify the number of the room that the NumberOfPersons should apply to. E.g.
- NumberOfRooms=2
- NumberOfPersons=2 for RoomRefID=1 and
- NumberOfPersons=3 for RoomRefID=2

In combination with Child elements, that can also be assigned to different rooms you can specify different number of persons and childs for each of multiple rooms.

1..N 1
Specify an ID that is unique within this XML message to identify a unique instance of a room where you want to assign a specific number of persons or children to.

If no RoomRefID is specified and NumberOfRooms is greater than 1 then the same number of persons/children per room is applied.

0..1 R1
Child elements per room - one per requested child.0..N
Specify an ID that is unique within this XML message to identify a unique instance of a room where you want to assign a specific number of persons or children to.

If no RoomRefID is specified and NumberOfRooms is greater than 1 then the same number of persons/children per room is applied.

0..1 R1
Age of child in years (allowed values are 0-17).
The age should be specified for the date of the hotel checkin.
[0] to [17]0..1
Defines if child will need its own bed ('Y') or sleep in parents bed ('N'). If omitted no extra bed is required.[Y] [N] 0..1
Desired alternate currency. Used if another currency, than the currency corresponding to the city, is requested. 0..1 GBP
Hotel options group0..1
Agency booking source number. 0..1 99199
The organisation type that the agency is associated with.
Number of rooms.
If not specified 1 room is default.
0..1 2
Room type code.

0..1 IC1Q
Room category code.

DX = Deluxe
SU = Superior
ST = Standard
MO = Moderate
EC = Economy
PM = Premium
FC = FirstClass
BD = Budget
UP = Upscale
LX = Luxury
MC = MeetingConvention
RA = ResidentialApartment
RS = Resort
CB = CorporateBusinessTransient
AS = AllSuite
ES = ExtendedStay
TO = Tourist
EF = Efficiency

XXF = This indicates that the text specified in the freetext attribute will be passed thru to the backend system.
[DX] [SU] [ST] [MO] [EC] [PM] [FC] [BD] [UP] [LX] [MC] [RA] [RS] [CB] [AS] [ES] [TO] [EF] [XXF] 0..1
If Code='XXF' then this attribute will be passed as is to the backend system.0..1
Bed type code. Values are:
S = single
T = twin
D = double
K= king
Q = queen
F = futon
M = murphybed
P = pullout (sofa bed)
TM = tatami mats
RW = rollaway

XXF = This indicates that the text specified in the freetext attribute will be passed thru to the backend system.

[S] [T] [D] [K] [Q] [F] [M] [P] [TM] [RW] [XXF] 0..1 K
If Code='XXF' then this attribute will be passed as is to the backend system.0..1
Only one element per distinct extra bed type allowed0..N
Number of extra beds for this type1
Type of extra bed AdultRollAway
[AdultRollAway] [ChildRollAway] [Crib] 1
RequestedOnly..Only requested rate codes

RequestedAndPublic..Requested rate codes AND public rates

RequestedOrPublic..If requested rate codes not available, then return public rates

If no rate codes are specified, then only public rates are returned.
[RequestedOnly] [RequestedAndPublic] [RequestedOrPublic] 0..1
Requested rate code, can be used for specifying access codes for negotiated rates,

0..N NEG
OTA code type (or 'VS').

RPT .. Rate Plan Type
VS .. Vendor Specific non-OTA Code
[RPT] [VS] 0..1
OTA (or VS) code.0..1
Type of the rate plan.

[Corporate] [Negotiated] [NetRate] [Standard] 0..1 Corporate
Corporate Discount number0..1
Rate range group0..1
Lowest rate in a range search. 0..1 100
Highest rate in a range search. 0..1 200
Hotel chain code.
0..N HH
ISO 2-letter country code.
0..1 US
Amenities, services and features the hotel or room is offering.0..N
OTA code type (or VS).

BED .. Bed Type
BUS .. Business Srvc Type
HAC .. Hotel Amenity Code
LOC .. Location Category Codes
MPT .. Meal Plan Type
PHY .. Physically Challenged Feature Code
RMA .. Room Amenity Type
RLT .. Room Location Type
RST .. Recreation Srvc Type
RVT .. Room View Type
SEC .. Security Feature Code
SEG .. Segment Category Code
TRP .. Transportation Code
VS .. Vendor specific Non-OTA Code
[BED] [BUS] [HAC] [LOC] [MPT] [PHY] [RMA] [RLT] [RST] [RVT] [SEC] [SEG] [TRP] [VS] 1
Feature code (OTA or vendor specific).1
Filters the result set returned from the source. If not defined, then ALL information will be returned.

Only when an attribute is added with value='N', will this particular piece of information be excluded from the result set.

0..1 @Address='N' will exclude all address info from the result set.
Y .. Return chain names.
N .. do NOT return chain names.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return property names.
N .. do NOT return property names.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return city names.
N .. do NOT return city names.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Return media information.

ALL .. return all available media information
ALL_NOPREVIEW .. return all available media information, but no Preview images for them
PREVIEW .. return just one preview image
MAIN .. return just one main image
NONE .. return no media information
Y .. return address info.
N .. do NOT return address info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return rating info.
N .. do NOT return rating info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return commission info.
N .. do NOT return commission info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return deposit info.
N .. do NOT return deposit info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return guarantee info.
N .. do NOT return guarantee info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return cancellation info.
N .. do NOT return cancellation info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return sell restrictions info.
N .. do NOT return sell restrictions info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return meal info.
N .. do NOT return meal info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return amenities, services and features the room is offering.
N .. do NOT return amenities, services and features the room is offering..
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return package info.
N .. do NOT return package info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return rebate info.
N .. do NOT return rebate info.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return information on conference and meeting rooms
N .. do NOT return information on conference and meeting rooms
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return information on hotel features
N .. do NOT return information on hotel features
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y .. return information on rate change dates and amounts
N .. do NOT return information on rate change dates and amounts
[Y] [N] 0..1


NodeName of message node (element or attribute). Nodes in bold type are mandatory, if their parent element occurs in the message. Point mouse cursor at table cell to view complete XPath.
DescriptionDescription of meaning and usage of the node.
ValuesList of predefined values (each in square brackets) or range of values ("[a] to [z]") allowed for the node, if formally defined in the schema.
OccursMinimum and maximum number of times the node must/may occur, if its parent element occurs in the message. Examples:
0..3 Node is optional and may occur up to 3 times.
1..N Node must occur at least one (mandatory) and may occur any number of times.
2 Node must occur exactly twice.
ExampleExample value for the node.

XML Schema documentation generated with XX/1 server