FareSearch request message

Tabular overview of all nodes, which may occur in this message. See legend below for description of table columns.
Note: Some sibling elements or complete sub-trees of the hierarchy may be defined as mutually exclusive alternative choices. This information cannot be expressed in this tabular overview. Please refer to schema diagram for a graphical representation of the message schema.

Fare search request root element1
Version number. 0..1 1.0 required for MasterPricer: MP2.0 (previous version MP0.9)
Number of alternate fares requested. Supported in Worldspan, Sabre and Amadeus (MaterPricer).
Maximum/Default values are:
Amadeus: 200
Sabre: 19 (ATSE), 9 (Legacy system)
Worldspan: 100 (more based on tier level)
Optional, alphanumeric. Used only for internal tracking purposes.0..1
If set to Y will cause shopper to disregard the actual availability of the flight during the shopping.
Values are:
Y - disregard
N - considere availability while constructing recommendations. (default)

If this attribute is not present in the request - N behavior is applied.
[Y] [N] 0..1
If initial request does not return all flights for specified criteria some CRS may require additional additional "scroll" requests to be sent to get flights departing at a later time and/or date. In that case ScrollLimitForward specifies the maximum number of additional requests to send to get later flights. If left out, no limit is applied. Currently only supported for AirBerlin.

0..1 1
If initial request does not return all flights for specified criteria some CRS may require additional additional "scroll" requests to be sent to get flights departing at an earlier time and/or date. In that case ScrollLimitBackward specifies the maximum number of additional requests to send to get earlier flights. If left out, no limit is applied. Currently only supported for AirBerlin.

0..1 1
Timeout in seconds. Only supported by some adapters which send multiple parallel backend requests to gather information for the XX/1 response.

If a timeout is specified, XX/1 will only wait for the specified number of seconds for the parallel backend requests to complete. Information from backend requests which have not completed when the timeout is reached are ignored in the XX/1 response without issuing an error message.

0..1 3
This attribute only affects FareSearchRQ requests sent with a @version="NSF*" (No Shopper FareSearch - available for GDS adapters upon request). It specifies the number of alternates to pass through to the AirAvailabilityRQ requests performed in the background.

0..1 30
Requesting service fee informations, can heaviliy impact the size of the response message and can also impact the performance and the response time.

Default: N
[Y] [N] 0..1
This value must be set to "Y" if client application supports "Branded Fare" type of FareGroup responses that can include price ranges instead of fixed prices.

Default: N
[Y] [N] 0..1
Display Fare Family Information. Values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
[Y] [N] 0..1
Display Fare Family Upsells. Values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
[Y] [N] 0..1
For some CRS XX1 allows to specify if all fares returned should have the same fare family for all origin/destinations of a multi origin/destination itinerary. When not specified (or for CRS' where this attribute is not supported), the CRS default behavior will apply.
Values are:
Y = only return fares with same fare family for all origin/destinations
N = also return fares with different fare families for different origin/destinations

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
ISO language code. A two letter code as defined by ISO-639-1. This code specifies the requested language for text content. Default value is 'en'.0..1
Sale information group0..1
Origin or destination city code. City where sale takes place or city where ticket will be issued. 0..1 PAR
Country where sale takes place or ticket issuing country. 0..1 US
Ticketing information group0..1
Origin or destination city code. City where sale takes place or city where ticket will be issued. 0..1 PAR
Country where sale takes place or ticket issuing country. 0..1 US
Specifies departure date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). 0..1 2001-12-25
Number of passengers of the specified type. 1..N 2
Passenger type requested for pricing.

If the passenger type does not correspond to one of the normalized XX/1 values below it is passed to provider as is.

Normalized values are:
ADT= Adult
CHD = Child
INF = Infant
GOV = Government
MIL = Military
SRC = Senior citizen
STD = Student
YTH = Youth

If no PNR exists (shopping), this provides traveler types as well as FQTV information for each traveler.

FQTV information can impact the availability and prices of optional services.
A unique traveler reference if an association to individual travelers is needed, such as for optional services.

1 T1
Passenger type requested for pricing.

Some IATA values are :
ADT= Adult
CHD = Child
INF = Infant
GOV = Government
MIL = Military
SRC = Senior citizen
STD = Student
YTH = Youth
Frequent flyer number. 1 0956301007
Frequent flyer company code. 1 AF
Airline code of the program/ membership sponsoring airline.1
CorporateID. 1 C900395168859
CLID level for this member as provided by airline's database.0..1
Origin and destination group1..N
A unique reference if an association to individual OriginDestinations needed.

0..1 OD1
Origin group1
Supported in
- Amadeus MasterPricer
- Sabre Low Fare Search (TripSearch / Bargain Finder Plus)
- Sabre BargainFinderMax
- TravelFusion
- uAPI
- WorldspanDIR

The user has the ability to extend the low fare search up to 300 kilometers surrounding the departure airport or city specified. If a departure Area is specified, the low fare search process may consider any city whose flying distance to the specified City or Airport is lower than the specified radius in the query.
0..1 100 If no DistanceUnit-attribute is specified Kilometers is the default.
Unit of distance.
M = Miles
K = Kilometers
[M] [K] 0..1 K
Only applicable in combination with @Area. If set to 'Y', also airports which are situated in a different country but within the specified radius will be considered.

Only supported in Amadeus TravelBoardSearch (0.9 and 2.0) and MasterPricerExpert(0.9 and 2.0)

Values are:
Y .. Yes
N .. No (default)
[Y] [N] 0..1
Origin city code.

1..9 PAR
Destination group1
Supported in
- Amadeus MasterPricer
- Sabre Low Fare Search (TripSearch / Bargain Finder Plus)
- Sabre BargainFinderMax
- TravelFusion
- uAPI
- WorldspanDIR

The user has the ability to extend the low fare search up to 300 kilometers surrounding the departure airport or city specified. If a departure Area is specified, the low fare search process may consider any city whose flying distance to the specified City or Airport is lower than the specified radius in the query.
0..1 100 If no DistanceUnit-attribute is specified Kilometers is the default.
Unit of distance.
M = Miles
K = Kilometers
[M] [K] 0..1 K
Only applicable in combination with @Area. If set to 'Y', also airports which are situated in a different country but within the specified radius will be considered.

Only supported in Amadeus TravelBoardSearch (0.9 and 2.0) and MasterPricerExpert(0.9 and 2.0).

Values are:
Y .. Yes
N .. No (default)
[Y] [N] 0..1
Destination city code.

1..9 FRA
Specifies departure OR arrival date (depending on @Qualifier) in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd).

Only some CRS support search by arrival AND departure date simultaneously. For these CRS two Date elements may be specified. In this case one must have @Qualifier="DEPARTURE" and one @Qualifier="ARRIVAL".

1..2 2001-12-25
The Qualifier controls whether the search is performed for flights departing or arriving on the specified Date. At the same time it controls whether an optionally specified Time and TimeWindow (see Preferences) is applied to the departure time or the arrival time (unless overridden by Time/@Type).

DEPARTURE (default if left out)

Preferences group0..1
Specified how the response should be sorted.

Values are:
DEPARTURE = by departure time
ARRIVAL = by arrival time
ELAPSED = by elapsed time
NEUTRAL = (default) as defined by the provider.

In case a city code refers to a multi-airport city and one of the cities airports at the same time, the search will include all airports belonging to the city when set to "Y".

Values are: Y = Yes, N = No.
[Y] [N] 0..1 N
Possibility to define the minimum number of hours between arrival at the preceding destination and the departure from this origin.

If not specified, default is 0.

0..1 6
Restrict search to specific class(es) of service.

Not supported by Amadeus.

Multiple ClassOfService elements only supported for AirBerlin.

For CRS (ex. AirBerlin, Condor), which dont support different ClassOfService per OD, ClassOfService element(s) must be specified identically for each OriginDestination.

1..N Y
Exclude specific class(es) of service from the search result.

0..N Y
Specifies cabin preference. Valid values are:
P = Premium First class
F = First class
J = Premium Business class
C = Business class
W = Premium Economy class
Y = Coach class

0..N Y
If @Specific is set to "Y", will only return results where all segments lie within the requested cabin. That is, if requested cabin is not available for any one segment required for an OriginDestination, the fare will not be returned.
If set to "Y", @Specific must be set to "Y" for all OriginDestination elements with Preferences/Cabin. Otherwise the Cabin will be ignored completely for OriginDestination elements, where @Specific is not set to "Y".

Not supported on: Worldspan

Y = Yes
N = No

Default: N

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
The Time element is used to restrict search to flights with a specific departure or arrival time. It may be extended to a time window using the TimeWindow element. If TimeWindow is left out the behaviour is CRS dependent: Some will apply a default time window while others may only return flights for the exact time specified.

Whether Time is applied to the departure or arrival time is controlled by the @Type attribute. If @Type is left out, the Time applies to the same entity as the (first) OriginDestination/Date element.

1 14:15
Time window group0..1
Number of hours before specified Time. Value from 0 to 24.

[0] to [24]0..1 6
Number of hours after specified Time. Value from 0 to 24.

[0] to [24]0..1 12
Specifies the total number of hours the journey is not to exceed. Value from 1 to 99. [1] to [99]0..1 26
If DayWindow is specified, response may contain fares for flights which depart (or arrive - see Date) up to the specified number of days before and/or after the Date specified.

Not all CRS support search by arrival AND departure daywindow.
attribute indicates type of day window, possible values are DEPARTURE and ARRIVAL; default value is DEPARTURE0..1
Number of days before specified Date to include in search.
Values: [0..6]

[0] to []1 3
Number of days after specified Date to include in search.
Values: [0..6]

[0] to []1 3
Airline preference group0..1
Specific request for itineraries where every leg is on the specified carrier. [Y] 0..1 Y
Airline code.
Include specified carriers only.
0..N AA
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Specifies type of airline preference. Values are:
M = Marketing Carrier (default)
O = Operating Carrier
[O] [M] 0..1
Airline code.
Excludes specified carrieres.
0..N AA
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Connection preference group0..1
Minimum time between two connecting flights in minutes.

Supported on Sabre only.

0..1 90
Maximum time between two connecting flights in minutes.
Supported on Sabre BFM, WorldspanDIR and uAPI.

0..1 90
Airline code for carriers to be included in the search or city code of the airport to be included in the connection. 1..N AF or MIA
Airline code for carriers to be excluded in the search, or city code of the airport to be excluded in the connection. 1..N DL or LON
Search by alliance code. Values are:
*O = One World
*A = Star Alliance
*S = Sky Team.

0..1 *S
Specifies the flight type preferences. If absent, get all flights.
Values set to 'M' (maximum) do apply to number of stops and connections only and do include all more restrictive levels, for example:
OneConnectMultipleAirlne='M' includes NoStopDirect, StopDirect and OneConnectSingleAirline
but it does not include TwoConnectSingleAirline and ThreeConnectSingleAirline
Non-stop direct flights. Values are:
Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Stop direct flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Single online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Double online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Triple online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Single interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Double interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Triple interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes
M = Maximum.
[Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Fare qualifier group0..1
Specifies the type of fares to search for.
PUBL = published fares
NEGO = negotiated/private fares
BOTH = published and negotiated/private fares

If no PricingInfo is specified, the FareType defaults to PUBL.

Specifies simple or creative pricing. If NoBreak = 'Y', simple pricing will be used for the flights returned. If NoBreak = 'N', creative pricing will be used for all flights returned. Values are: Y = Yes, N = No. [Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Experimental. Sabe ONLY.
Will be ignored on other GDS.

Numeric. 4 digits. Order identifies priority.
1- Price
2- NonStop/Direct Flights
3- Travel time
4 - Carrier

0..1 1234 or 4123
For systems which support alternative fare / ticketing flows for low cost carriers (such as LightTicketing on Amadeus), specifies whether alternative flows shall be suppressed.

Values are:
Y = Yes,
N = No.
[Y] [N] 0..1 Y Default: N
This attribute controls whether to obtain detailed fare rule information, e.g. for refundability or changeability and corresponding penalties.

Values are:
- Y: Return additional rule information, only use services that are free of charge.
- C: Return additional rule information, use value added fare rule services that are chargeable if offered by provider. (Only supported for Amadeus where this option will invoke Amadeus MiniRules).
- N: dont return additional rule informations (default).
[Y] [C] [N] 0..1
If is set to "Y", will only return results where the given Passenger Type is applied. No fallback to default passenger types is allowed.

Supported on: Amadeus

Y = Yes
N = No

Default: N

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Used to request a filtered list of offered services. The filter codes used are defined by ATPCO (S5 record attributes)

Note: can ONLY be used when attribute "RequestServiceFeeInformations" value="Y".
BG = Baggage
FF = Frequent Flyer
GT = Ground Transportation
and Non Air Services
IE = In-flight entertainment
LG = Lounge
MD = Medical
ML = Meal/Beverage
PT = Pets
RO = Rule Override
SA = Prereserved Seat
SB = Standby
ST = Store
TS = Travel Services
UN = Unaccompanied
Travel (Escort)
UP = Upgrades
1 BG
Samples for group "BG"
CT = Container
PP = Pre-paid excess

Samples group "GT"
BU = Bus
LI = Limo, etc

Samples group "IE"
IT = Internet access
TV = Television, etc
1 PP
Pricing restrictions group0..1
This attribute also excludes restrictions which are not covered by the other attributes.

Y = Excludes all fares with any kind of restriction (other attributes have no effect)
N = Don't exclude all fares with any kind of restriction (other attributes can be used to allow further restrictions)

Default: N
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y = Allow Minimum stay with fare
N = Don't Allow Minimum stay with fare
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y = Allow Maximum stay with fare
N = Don't Allow Maximum stay with fare
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y = Allow Advance Purchase with fare
N = Don't Allow advance Purchase with fare
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y = Allow Penalties with fare
N = Don't Allow penalties with fare
Default: Y
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y = Return refundable fares only
N = Return non-refundable fares only

Default: If not defined mixed results can be returned, depending on the other Restriction settings.
[Y] [N] 0..1
Y = Return changeable fares only
N = Return non-changeable fares only

Default: If not specified, returned fares may or may not be changeable depending on the other Restrictions settings.

[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Desired currency override for pricing only (not ticketing)
0..1 EUR
Negotiated fares (Private fares) group0..N
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Pseudo city under which private fares are stored. 1 18C6
Code of the provider system that holds the private fares. Values are:
1A = Amadeus
1B = Abacus
1V = Apollo
1G = Galileo
1S = Sabre (also 1W)
1P = Worldspan
1U = ITA
F1 = Farelogix
ACH = Travelport Airline Content Hub (uAPI)

[1A] [1B] [1G] [1P] [1S] [1U] [1V] [1W] [F1] [XS] [ACH] 1 1V
Future use.
Identifies if Office value is a PCC or IATA agency code/ID. Default is PCC.
[PCC] [IATA] 0..1 PCC
Corporate info group

Max occurance:
Amadeus: 6
Apollo/Galileo: 5
Sabre: 5
Sabre BGFM: 4
Worldspan: 5
Airline code. 0..1 AA
Specifies the corporate account number to use to price private fares. 0..1 PASS
Requests Account Code fares. Values are:
Y = Request Account Code only Fares
N = Request Account Code and Published Fares
[Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Specifies the contract code, to use to price private fares. 0..1 00001
Price to beat group0..1
Amount price to beat. 1 30000
Allows to specify the validating carrier for pricing. 0..1 DL
Allows to specify preferable and/or unacceptable airliness.0..N
Specifies prefer level.
Prefer = Prefer airline
Exclude = Exclude airline

[Prefer] [Exclude] 1 Exclude
The fare discount code.1
Multiple form of payments can be specified here that are offered by or for the customer.
The type of form of payment can impact the price because of fees that are collected by the carrier.

Some systems will determine the cheapest form of payment type and return its fees, other systems will return the prices for all form of payments specified here.
Issuer Identification Number (IIN), previously known as bank identification number (BIN) equals the first 6 digits of the Credit card number.1
Credit card code.
The following list of normalized credit card codes is currently supported by XX/1.
AX .. American Express
AXB .. American Express BTA
AXI .. American Express IBTA
CA .. MasterCard
CAD .. MasterCard Debit
CB .. Carte Blanche
DC .. Diners Club
DS .. Discover
JC .. Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)
MA .. Maestro
TP .. Air Plus
VI .. Visa Credit
VID .. Visa Debit
VIL .. Visa Delta
VIE .. Visa Electron

1 VI
Credit card number. 0..1 4011236654652341 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Credit card expiration group0..1
Credit card expiration month. 1 02 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XX
Last two digits of the credit card expiration year. 1 06 Can be returned encrypted by GDS/CRS. Example: XX
Other payment information. 1 CHECK, CASH
Allows to specify whether only fares which include free checked bags are requested.0..1
Minimum number of bags included. Values
1 (Default if left out)
If a value >1 is specified for a CRS which only supports value 1, 1 will automatically be used instead of the value specified.

[1] to [3]0..1 1
Code of the price class.

0..1 3
Marketing name of the price class.

0..1 TANGO
Allows the Tax Exempt 0..1
Specifies the Tax codes Example : AY1..N
Customize routing preferences.0..1
ID reference used to associate this item to an OriginDestination. No comma separated lists and no ranges supported.
0..N OD1
Each Segment defines requirements for a specific portion of the itinerary1..N
Connection preference group0..1
Minimum number of desired connection points if no specific connections points required.

0..1 1
Maximum number of desired connection points if no specific connections points required.

0..1 1
Airline code for carriers to be included in the search or city code of the airport to be included in the connection. 0..N AF or MIA
Airline code for carriers to be excluded in the search, or city code of the airport to be excluded in the connection. 0..N DL or LON
Airline preference group0..1
Airline code for carriers to be included in the search or city code of the airport to be included in the connection. 0..N AF or MIA
Airline code for carriers to be excluded in the search, or city code of the airport to be excluded in the connection. 0..N DL or LON
Number of results requested matching the defined Routing paramaters,

0..1 10
Influence search algorithm of the backend systen's pricer tool.0..1
Influence weighting used by pricer engine.0..1
Desired Weighting for Price
[0] to [100]0..1 70
Desired Weighting for Time
[0] to [100]0..1 30
Preferences influencing pricer behaviour with regards to non-stop flights.0..1
Number of requested non-stop flights.

0..1 10
Preferences influencing pricer behaviour with regards to itineraries with extra long connection times.0..1
Override default behaviour of pricer to return less expensive but probably less convenient itineraries.

Values are: Y = Yes, N = No.
0..1 Y
Maximum connection time in minutes.
0..1 900
Preferences influencing pricer behaviour with regards to fare results which do not cover the whole itinerary on a single ticket.0..1
Additionally return oneway offers so that client application can freely combine individual oneways to match the complete itinerary. In order to book such an itinerary. client applications need to ensure to create separate stored pricings using multiple PricingInfo elements in PNRCreateRQ and as a consequence need to issue mutltiple tickets.[Y] [N] 0..1


NodeName of message node (element or attribute). Nodes in bold type are mandatory, if their parent element occurs in the message. Point mouse cursor at table cell to view complete XPath.
DescriptionDescription of meaning and usage of the node.
ValuesList of predefined values (each in square brackets) or range of values ("[a] to [z]") allowed for the node, if formally defined in the schema.
OccursMinimum and maximum number of times the node must/may occur, if its parent element occurs in the message. Examples:
0..3 Node is optional and may occur up to 3 times.
1..N Node must occur at least one (mandatory) and may occur any number of times.
2 Node must occur exactly twice.
ExampleExample value for the node.

XML Schema documentation generated with XX/1 server