AirAvailability request message

Tabular overview of all nodes, which may occur in this message. See legend below for description of table columns.
Note: Some sibling elements or complete sub-trees of the hierarchy may be defined as mutually exclusive alternative choices. This information cannot be expressed in this tabular overview. Please refer to schema diagram for a graphical representation of the message schema.

Air availability request root element1
Version number. 0..1 1.0
Schedule only indicator. Values are: Y = get flight schedules without availability, N = get flight schedules and availability. [Y] [N] 0..1 Y
Maximum number of Flight elements to be returned in the response for each OriginDestination (O/D).

The service will collect flights for each O/D until this number is reached or the provider returns no more flights (whatever happens first). The resulting set of flights per O/D will be returned to the client.
CAUTION: Depending on the value this can be a time consuming transaction!

Values are:
Either a positive integer value identifying the max. number of requested flights per O/D or 'ALL' to retrieve all of them.

0..1 10
Number of passengers. The element specifies the lower limit of available seats in a class for the class to be displayed in the response (supported only by Amadeus). [0] to [9]0..1 1
Origin and destination group

Either departure OR arrival date must be specified. Only some CRS support search by both.
Origin departure group1
Departure or arrival city code. 1..9 MIA
Departure date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). 0..1 2001-11-30
Destination group1
Departure or arrival city code. 1..9 MIA
Arrival date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). 0..1 2001-11-30
Preferences group0..1
Indicates how the response should be sorted. Values are:
DEPARTURE = by departure time
ARRIVAL = by arrival time
ELAPSED = by elapsed time

NEUTRAL = as defined by the provider
In case a city code refers to a multi-airport city and one of the cities airports at the same time, the search will include all airports belonging to the city when set to "Y".

Values are: Y = Yes, N = No.
[Y] [N] 0..1 N
For systems which support alternative fare / ticketing flows for low cost carriers (such as LightTicketing on Amadeus), specifies whether alternative flows shall be suppressed.

Values are:
Y = Yes,
N = No.
[Y] [N] 0..1 Y Default: N
Class of service. 1 B
Specifies cabin preference. Valid values are :
P = Premium First class
F = First class
J = Premium Business class
C = Business class
W = Premium Economy class
Y = Coach class
[P] [F] [J] [C] [W] [Y] 1..N F
Time window group0..1
Number of hours before the Time specified.

Values: 0-24

If left out, defaults to zero.

[0] to [24]0..1 3
Number of hours afterthe Time specified.

Values: 0-24

If left out, defaults to zero.

[0] to [24]0..1 3
Specifies the total number of hours the journey is not to exceed. Value from 01-24. [01] to [24]0..1 11
Airline preference group0..1
Airline code.
Include specified carriers only, but no interline connections with other carriers.
0..N AA
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Airline code.
Excludes designated vendors
0..N AA
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Airline code.
Include designated vendors and interline connections with other vendors
0..N AA
Connection preference group0..1
Airpory/city code. 1..N LHR
Departure date from this connection point in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). 0..1 2001-11-30
Airport/City Code. 1..N NYC
Flight specific search criteria 0..4
Airline code. 1 AA
Flight number - an integer value within the range of [0,9999].

1 1234
Flight number alpha qualifier.
Values are:

[A] [B] [C] [D] 0..1 A
Search by alliance code. Values are: *O = One World
*A = Star Alliance
*S = Sky Team.

0..1 *S
Specifies the flight type preferences. If absent, get all flights.
Values set to 'M' (maximum) do apply to number of stops and connections only and do include all more restrictive levels, for example:
OneConnectMultipleAirlne='M' includes NoStopDirect, StopDirect and OneConnectSingleAirline
but it does not include TwoConnectSingleAirline and ThreeConnectSingleAirline
Non-stop direct flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Stop direct flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 M
Single online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Double online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Triple online connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Single interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Double interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Triple interline connection flights. Values are: Y = Yes, M = Maximum. [Y] [M] 0..1 Y
Day window group0..2
attribute indicates type of day window, possible values are DEPARTURE and ARRIVAL; default value is DEPARTURE[DEPARTURE] [ARRIVAL] 0..1
Number of days before departure.
[0] to []1 2
Number of days after departure.
[0] to []1 2
Direct access group information.0..1
Airline code. 1 AA
Text to append to the direct access command. 0..1 /T
Specify already booked flights or flights that will be booked into the same PNR to properly steer the airline's inventory control in order to avoid failed booking attempts due to unavailability of classes in a certain itinerary context. For example Point of Commencement (POC) or other inventory control checks.0..1
Flight group0..N
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Connection indicator. [Y] [N] 0..1 Y = Yes, N = No
Married connection indicator. Values:
B = Start of a group of married segments
E = End of a group of married segments
[B] [E] 0..1
Origin departure group1
Departure or arrival city code. 1 MIA
Destination group1
Departure or arrival city code. 1 MIA
Departure date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). 1 2001-11-30
Specifies whether the entered date represents a departure or arrival date.

ARRIVAL, DEPARTURE (being the default)
Flight carrier group1
Airline code. 1 AA
Flight number - an integer value within the range of [0,9999].

1 1234
Flight number alpha qualifier.
Values are:

[A] [B] [C] [D] 0..1 A
Class of service. 1 B
This a standard defined action code used by different airlines and reservation systems.
0..1 HK
Number of stops. [0] to [9]0..1 0
Record locator of PNR in whose context the availabiliy shall be requested.
0..N VP1256
Identifies the source of this element. In other words where the content originates from. Not limited to GDS, applicable to direct connect as well. 0..1 1A, 1V, or other.
Token used to request more flights following a previous air availability response. This token number is sent back in the previous air availability response while in other cases it could contain the Y (yes) or N (no) indicator.
If specifying this element, the behaviour is only defined if working in a sessioned environment and the preceding AirAvailabilityRQ only contained a single OriginDestination element.
1 124523467899 or Y


NodeName of message node (element or attribute). Nodes in bold type are mandatory, if their parent element occurs in the message. Point mouse cursor at table cell to view complete XPath.
DescriptionDescription of meaning and usage of the node.
ValuesList of predefined values (each in square brackets) or range of values ("[a] to [z]") allowed for the node, if formally defined in the schema.
OccursMinimum and maximum number of times the node must/may occur, if its parent element occurs in the message. Examples:
0..3 Node is optional and may occur up to 3 times.
1..N Node must occur at least one (mandatory) and may occur any number of times.
2 Node must occur exactly twice.
ExampleExample value for the node.

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