This process performs credit card validation and authorization. The credit card verification process consists of 2 processes.
The first process validates the card number and the second verifies the billing address associated with the credit card. Please note that not all operations are supported by all GDS.
- Validation of the card number checks the credit card against the negative credit card file.
- Validation of the billing address checks numerical street address portion of of the credit card card and the zip code. For example: 5301 Blue Lagoon Drive. The process checks the "5301" and the zip code.
- Credit card authorization with Amount.
- Amadeus:
- Creditcard number validation only is not supported, so you always have to authorize it. Hence, the /CCValidationRQ/CreditCard/Authorization/CarrierCode field is mandatory. If no amount is given for Authorization/Amount, a default value of 1 is set.
- Address validation support must be turned on in your office profile.
- The following vendors are supported by Amadeus: AX, AU, CA, CB, CX, CG, DC, DS, EC, JC, GK, TC, TP, VI, XS.
- In order to validate an address from an existing PNR, the RecordLocator and ElementNumber functionality can be used. Please see the schema for more information.
- Apollo:
- Creditcard number and address validation is supported only
- Creditcard authorization is not supported
- Address validation support is available on a contractual basis and access to this feature is controlled by the AAT
- Address validation is supported for the following vendors: AX, CA, DS, VI.
- Functionality to validate an address from an existing PNR with the RecordLocator and ElementNumber is not supported.
- Galileo:
- This transaction is not supported for Galileo.
- Sabre:
- Authorization is supported for the following vendors: AX, CA, DC, DS, TP, VI
- Functionality to validate an address from an existing PNR with the RecordLocator and ElementNumber is not supported.
- Worldspan:
- Creditcard authorization and address validation is only supported at the same time. So separate Creditcard number validation or address validation is not supported. Hence, the /CCValidationRQ/CreditCard/Authorization/CarrierCode field is mandatory. If no amount is given for Authorization/Amount, a default value of 1 is set.
- The IATA number must be specified in attribute /CCValidationRQ/@IATA
- Address validation is supported by the following vendors: AX, CA, CB, DC, DC, DS, MC, VI
- Authorization is supported for the following vendors: AX, BF, CA, CG, CB, DC, DL, DC, DS, EC, JC, MC, MD, TP, VI, XS