Main Configuration

The entire configuration is held in XML text files that are interchangeable across platforms.

Adapter Configuration

Installation as Windows Service

If during setup the servi­­ce has not been installed in the Windows Service Manager, you may do this later at any time through a DOS-Prompt by executing

xxss.exe -i configfile

Configfile is the drive, path and name of the main server configuration file. It is required to specify the full path of the configuration file starting from the root. Example:

c:\xxs\bin\xxss.exe -i c:\xxs\config\xxscfg.xml 

The file specification is saved in the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\XX1\Config.

The name of the service will show as "XX1 Server" or as specified in the main configuration file. The default startup option is "Manual".

You can install multiple instances of services by using different main configuration file names.

Deinstallation of the Windows Service

To remove the server from the services list, execute

c:\xxs\bin\xxss.exe -r c:\xxs\config\xxscfg.xml

Execution as Windows Console Application

xxss.exe -c [options] configfile

options: -d = Debug Mode

use Ctrl+C to stop

Installation as UNIX/Linux Daemon

 ./xxsd configfile

use kill to stop the server

Execution as UNIX/Linux Console Application

./xxsd -c [options] configfile

options: -d = Debug Mode