Runtime Modules: | Windows: xxclient.dll, zlib.dll Unix/Linux: |
Link Library: | xxclient.lib |
Include: | xxclient.h |
Return Type | Function Name | Function Parameters | Description |
unsigned long | XxcTransaction | - char * pszServer
- [in] XX1 Server ip-address or URL
- int port
- [in] XX1 Server SOAP port
- char * pszCertificate
- [in]
- PGP: optional, path and file name of certificate database
- SSL: optional, path of certificate databases
- char * pszTC
- [in] Transaction Control Data as XML format
- char * pszReq
- [in] Request message as XML format
- int cbReq
- [in] Length of request message in pszReq
- char ** ppszRspTC
- [out] Returned Transaction Control Data as XML format
- char ** ppszRsp
- [out] Response message as XML format
- int * pcbRsp
- [out] Length of response message in ppszRsp
- char ** ppszError
- unsigned long ulTimeout
- [in] Socket connect timeout in seconds or XXC_DEFAULTTIMEOUT
- unsigned long ulFlags
| Sends a stateless transaction to the server. Return Values: - If no error occurs, the return code is XXC_OK (0) and ppszRsp contains the response XML.
Remarks: - XxcFreeBuffer must be called on all returned strings.
HXXCONTEXT | XxcGetSession | - char * pszServer
- [in] XX1 Server ip-address or URL
- int port
- [in] XX1 Server SOAP port
- char * pszCertificate
- [in]
- PGP: optional, path and file name of certificate database
- SSL: optional, path of certificate databases
- char * pszTC
- [in] Transaction Control Data as XML format
- char ** ppszError
- unsigned long pulStatus
- unsigned long ulTimeout
- [in] Socket connect timeout in seconds or XXC_DEFAULTTIMEOUT
- unsigned long ulFlags
| Obtains a session context from the host and locks it for other users. Return Values: - If no error occurs, the return code is a context handle and pulStatus is set to XXC_OK.
- On error the return value is NULL and pulStatus contains the error code.
Remarks: - XxcFreeBuffer must be called on all returned strings.
- Use XxcReleaseSession when done with sessioned transactions to unlock the host context.
unsigned long | XxcReleaseSession | - HXXCONTEXT hContext
- [in] Context handle returned by XxcGetSession function
- char * pszTC
- [in] Transaction Control Data as XML format
- char ** ppszError
- unsigned long ulFlags
| Releases context obtained with XxcGetSession and unlocks the session on the host. Return Values: - If no error occurs, the return code is XXC_OK (0).
Remarks: - XxcFreeBuffer must be called on all returned strings.
- Connections will be closed.
- The XXF_HTTPKEEPALIVE flag has no effect.
unsigned long | XxcSessionedTransaction | - HXXCONTEXT hContext
- [in] Context handle returned by XxcGetSession function
- char * pszTC
- [in] Transaction Control Data as XML format
- char * pszReq
- [in] Request message as XML format
- int cbReq
- [in] Length of request message in pszReq
- char ** ppszRspTC
- [out] Returned Transaction Control Data as XML format
- char ** ppszRsp
- [out] Response message as XML format
- int * pcbRsp
- [out] Length of response message in ppszRsp
- char ** ppszError
- unsigned long ulFlags
| Sends a transaction to the server using a host context. Return Values: - If no error occurs, the return code is XXC_OK (0) and ppszRsp contains the response XML.
Remarks: - XxcFreeBuffer must be called on all returned strings.
- It is highly recommended to use the XXF_HTTPKEEPALIVE flag with all sessioned transactions.
void | XxcFreeBuffer | - char * pszBuffer
- [in] String returned by any function/parameter
| Frees memory allocated for returned strings. Remarks: - This function must be called on all returned string (char *) parameters after each invocation of the following functions:
- XxcTransaction
- XxcSessionedTransaction
- XxcGetSession
- XxcReleaseSession
Transaction Flags can be combined with & like this:
unsigned long ulflags = XXF_SSL & XXF_HTTPKEEPALIVE;
Can be a combined of the following:
Flag Code | Meaning |
XXF_NOCOMPRESSION | Do not compress data streams. |
XXF_NATIVEDATA | Request XML is native provider data format. |
XXF_ENCRYPT | Apply PGP 128-bit encryption on data streams (port 8800) |
XXF_SSL | Apply SSL3 and TLS with 128-bit encryption (default port 443) |
XXF_HTTPKEEPALIVE | Keeps TCP/IP socket connection alive. |
Error Code | Meaning |
XXC_ERR_MEMORY | Not enough memory. |
XXC_ERR_PARAMETER | Invalid parameter. |
XXC_ERR_SOCKETCONNECT | Can't connect to server. |
XXC_ERR_SOCKETREAD | Socket receive failed. |
XXC_ERR_SOCKETWRITE | Socket send failed. |
XXC_ERR_SOAP | Server rejected SOAP envelope. |
XXC_ERR_SSLINIT | The SSL certification databases were invalid or not found. |