
The XX1 ActiveX object should be used by Microsoft Visual Basic or ASP developers.

Runtime Modules:XXClientX.dll, xxclient.dll, zlib.dll
Setup:regsvr32 XXClientX.dll
Type Library:XXCLIENTX.Lib
Main Class:Client 

Client Object Properties

Property TypeProperty NameDefault ValueDescription
StringHostlocalhostServer IP address or URL value.

non-SSL: 8800

SSL: 443

Server SOAP port value.
StringTC-Transaction Control data (TC).
StringRspTC-Returns received transaction control data value (TC). (read-only)
LongTimeoutServer connect timeout in seconds. By default the underlying TCP socket timeout is used (recommended)

Set and get status of request sending mode.

  • true: send native provider request message as is to provider
  • false: send XX1 request message to XX1

Set and get Status of data compression. (Recommended for performance reasons)

BooleanEncryptFalseApply PGP 128-bit data encryption (use port 8800)
BooleanSSLFalseSet and get Status of SSL/TLS data encryption.
  • PGP: optional, specify path and file name of encryption database
  • SSL: optional, specify path-only where certification databases reside - by default they must reside in same directory where xxclient library modules installed
LongStatus-read-only, result code of last transaction, 0 = success
StringError-read-only, error string returned by last transaction



Client Object Methods

Return TypeMethod NameMethod parametersDescription

Locks a session on the host and carries a context.


  • Use releaseSession()  when done with sessioned transactions to unlock the host context.



Unlocks a session previously locked with GetSession.

StringTransaction(String strReq)Performs the current transaction. Sends the request data to server and receives the response.